Wednesday, December 26, 2012

If Reindeer Can Get Fit, So Can You

I just wanted to share a little bit from one of my favorite blog posts of the season. It is a post about famous reindeer Comet, and his recent struggles with weight gain. The post was published on the site of a local weight loss clinic. Check out a clip from the article:

"Why would Claus send one of his beloved reindeer packing? The answer is due in part to cutbacks in the budget, but also to all the candy canes the reindeer team notoriously pilfered from the stocking stuffer supply.

 Image courtesy of transformyou

The rest of the post is really fantastic. Check out the transformyou weight loss blog to continue reading.

Also, I took the liberty to brainstorm a couple of other great meme ideas for this same image that they created. What do you think?