Monday, October 22, 2012

3 Date Ideas for Long-Distance Relationships

Being in a close-distance relationship is hard in and of itself. Throw some real distance between a couple and you get a really tough relationship to maintain. One of the hardest parts about being in a long-distance relationship is coming up with fun date ideas. Here are 3 creative things that you can do with your boyfriend or girlfriend that can help you get by until you’re back together again:

1.  Watch a TV show side by side- One of the hardest parts of being in a long-distance relationship is coming up with new things do to that don’t just make you want to be together and feel bad that you are apart. A really creative date idea is to watch a TV show side-by-side. Try setting up a webcam so that it is pointed at the TV so that your partner can see the show that you are watching. You can pass the popcorn back and forth pretending to share, and talk as if you were in the room together. Give it a couple minutes and it will start to feel like nothing ever changed.
2.  Make dinner together- If you really want to do something special with your long-distance boyfriend or girlfriend, then you should consider making dinner together. You can either do a video chat or just put your phones on speakers for the event, depending on what is easiest for you. Then you can go through the steps of making whatever dish you please together. Don’t hold back any of the funny details as cooking can be a really humbling experience. In any relationship it is important that you can laugh at yourself and feel confident that the person you are with will laugh with you and not at you. This is the perfect way for you to spice up your long-distance relationship and keep things feeling fresh and original.
3.  Do a fashion show- If you are going to be in a long-distance relationship then you need to make it a point to communicate with your partner as often as possible. When you do chat it helps to see their face. When it comes to seeing the other person, one of the funnest long-distance dates that you can do is have a fashion show. Take some time to get together any new clothes or outfits that you’ve gotten since you last saw your significant other and then show them off. Use your computer or smartphone to video chat and turn your room or closet into a runway. Take turns showing off your latest outfits. This will help you to feel like you are up-to-date with each other’s life and what is going on. 

Micah writes for property management company, RPM East Valley. 

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